Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I am sooo tired! We just started a new semester, and I am teaching and taking doctoral courses and working and working out and the days are short and gray and icky.... waaaahhhh!  Ok, enough whining. For the next few (14!) weeks I'll be doing most of my blogging on the weekend and catching your blogs as I can.

But spring is coming, and I have a conference in Florida to look forward to next month, and spring break in March, so really I can do this in little 4-week bursts.  It's manageable.  I think.  I hope.  Have a great week, everyone!


  1. You are an inspiration!!! So much on your plate yet you keep going. :)

  2. whine away!! you deserve to whine sometimes!

  3. Touch schedule! Do what you have to do and don't look back.

  4. Leave the blogging as the last priority in the list for sure. While I love your updates and thoughts on training, we all want to see you succeed!

    Good luck...
