Monday, November 8, 2010

Strength Training

I know that I don't do enough strength training.  And, the truth is, winter is coming.  The days are short and dark and cold and I probably won't get any better at strength training any time soon.

I think this might be a solution, at least for now:
One Hundred Pushups


Three days a week, less than thirty minutes a day.  And, maybe, once I'm finished with both programs, I'll see results.  If I see results, I'll generally keep pushing and perhaps get better at achieving some sort of balance with my workouts.  Hey, it's worth a try!

Big Fat Greek Marathon Fund: $60
Goal: Unknown (they send out information in February)
Days until our next race: 6


  1. i did the 100 pushups over the summer of 09. it was hard but i felt so bamf after being done with it! maybe i should re-do it because my lifting has been slacking HARDCORE lately!

  2. I'm so glad you commented because you've actually done the program!!! :) We'll see how it goes, but I could do this program in my office, if I had to - there really isn't an excuse to avoid it!

  3. I am terrible at pushups. We do all different variations of them in my BodyPump and Core classes. I hate them every single time. Truth be told though, I should do more of both pushups and situps.

  4. I don't do push-ups regularly, but I do get strength training in my jazzercise classes and the abs I do on my running days. I think it totally helps!

  5. Kim, what gym do you use? Melissa and I have a Rush membership - i think they have a BodyPump class. Maybe a class once or twice a week would meet my strength training goals and be kind of fun, as well.

    Meredith, I have heard that Jazzercise is fun - never tried it, though! :0
